School of endocrinologist: some aspects of infusion treatment of diabetes

School of endocrinologist: some aspects of infusion treatment of diabetes
The principles of the educational project “School of Endocrinologist”, which has become traditional, include the originality of the submission of theoretical material, its practical orientation and interactive communication. In accordance with these principles, the latest recommendations, current views on some pathological conditions and methods of their treatment were presented to the participants.
Cardioprotector effect of nitrogen oxide donor in patients with hypertension
Abstract. The last decade has been marked by the intensive development of basic and clinical research on the role of vascular endothelium in the genesis of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Today, researchers are focused on studying the role of endothelial dysfunction (DE) in the pathogenesis of CVD, as well as to find ways to effectively correct […]
Abstract: Chronic kidney disease is one of the most common diseases in the world. Along with damage to the kidneys, the disease carries great risks for the cardiovascular, endocrine and other systems of the body. The review presents the latest views and research data on this problem, as well as modern therapeutic solutions for the […]